What are Roles?
Roles are different from traditional job titles: they are limited in scope and time investment, and have clearly defined responsibilities. Each member can hold several roles, each role should be about 5-15% of your total time investment in Virtual Cinema Lab.
Any group can create new roles whenever they feel like it. If there is some task that is better to be done by the same person instead of the whole group every time.
Check the External Communication Group for some examples of what roles can be. There we decided that it's nicer if only one person posts to Instagram for example, in order to keep the style consistent... 💅👌
If a role is becoming too demanding for one single person to take responsibility over, that role should be turned into a group or project.
Mandate & Responsibilities
Every role has a clearly defined mandate, which means that the member with that role has the authority to make autonomous decisions within the scope of their particular role.
Each role also comes with certain responsibilities, which means that the person with the role is responsible that the thing gets done. They don't have to do it themselves, but they are accountable in case it doesn't get done.
Excitement & Motivation
Once you take on a role, one of two things can happen: you take too much work and become overwhelmed, or you don't know where to start and loose interest. It is your responsibility to keep your excitement alive, and stay safe and sane. Please remember to ask other members for help, and follow your curiosity.
Roles are voluntary, but you are responsible to tell to your group if you are not able to fulfill your role, or you want to switch to some other role.
Please make sure that you check in with yourself, and ask yourself the following questions:
Why am I part of Virtual Cinema Lab?
What am I contributing, am I still excited about my roles?
Are there other ways of contributing that would be better for me?
Are my needs fulfilled, do I get what I need for participating in VCL?
Keep checking your motivation and contributions regularly, and remember that the joint goal of the research group is to create a community.
Last updated