Anchor Group
AG is the central decision making group of Virtual Cinema Lab. Any decision that does not have it's own dedicated role or group will be dealt with by the Anchor Group. The Anchor Group green lights new projects and creates new groups and roles if necessary.
All hyperactive members are part of AG, and have voting rights in the group. Active members can join AG meetings for any reason, but they do not have voting rights in the group. If you have an issue you want to be dealt with at the next AG meeting, please get in touch with the AG Coordinator.
AG meets once a month, to decide on:
New project proposals
New membership applications
Developing & troubleshooting our organization system
Changes to this handbook
Creating new roles and groups if needed
AG responsible for VCL as a whole surviving & thriving by guiding its direction and strategy. AG is NOT responsible for any of the other projects & groups.
Anchor Group Coordinator, Tanja Bastamow
Leads, and coordinates the work of the Anchor Group.
Organizes monthly AG meetings
Prepares an agenda for each meeting
Shares the progress report from all VCL project coordinators with hyperactive members before the meeting
Makes sure that someone facilitates/moderates the meeting
Makes sure that minutes are taken
Makes sure minutes are summarized and shared with all members, including new members & a summary of new projects & groups
Keeps up with the tasks that other hyperactive members have taken on during the AG meeting, check in about their progress during the next AG meeting
Contact person for members and other group coordinators who need something from the Anchor Group
Maintains the groups google drive folder and moderates their slack channel, making sure that people stay on topic
On boarding of new hyperactive members joining the Anchor Group
General Secretary, Synes Elischka
Takes care of the little things that need to be done to keep VCL afloat.
Maintains the Handbook, commits changes
Updates the descriptions & status of projects
Updates roles & their responsibilities
Maintains the main membership list on google drive
Adds/removes members from/to slack, google drive, google calendar
Adds new hyperactive members to #anchor_group channel on Slack
Responds to membership and project applications
Facilitates on-boarding of new & supporting members, answers their questions
Receives texts and pictures for projects, edits them for quality & style for the website, adds them to the website
Updates the member section on the website
Answers the emails at
Last updated